Perfectly Autistic - Neurodiversity in the workplace

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Autism Spotlight - Born Anxious

This week we caught up with Kellie Barker, founder of autism friendly clothing brand Born Anxious

How did the diagnosis come about? 

Oscar had a serious Head Injury at 9 months old, he then presented with significant delays. Following this he had an MRI and blood tests taken, he was assessed at 18months old and diagnosed just after his 2nd Birthday.

Did you always know Oscar was autistic?

Not at all we called him Robo Baby he was perfect ate and slept no signs of any developmental delays before 9 months. However, following his head bang he almost changed overnight, his personality changed dramatically also so did his eating.

How long did you wait for the diagnosis?

We had two assessments three months apart with his MRI in the middle the whole process probably took 9 months.

What do you do for your job?

Owner of Born Anxious, previous to this I worked in fostering for 16 years, managing a placement team matching children with families.

Tell us about the ethos behind Born Anxious?

Born Anxious is inspired by Oscar. He presented many difficult and unpredictable behaviours as a baby and people were not always kind. They misunderstood as he appeared to be normally functioning on the outside, he has an invisible disability. I wanted the world to be more flexible, more understanding, kinder.

What are your best-selling products?

75% of our sales are outside of the UK. But our best sellers overall are Nice Human, be kind I have autism and autism army. We sell our products in the UK America, Canada, Australia, Germany, India, France and many others too. It’s so lovely to get orders from around the globe, it means it’s working. Our idea is working to spread kindness messages. You can find more of our products here

What are the positives of being part of the autistic community?

Being part of the autistic community for us as a family is something we all benefit from the unity off, its an unspoken advocacy that you just can’t feel unless you live itself. We support each other, we lift each other up most of all advocate for all our beautiful diverse children.

What do you do to unwind?

Crash in my bed, tv on and watch reality tv.

What are your passions? 

I’m passionate about advocating for all children. It’s ingrained in me being a child that fostered to then work in fostering. I’m passionate about change in child protection over all for children with disabilities and children who are vulnerable. I did want to train to be a social worker, but life just hasn’t given me the time yet. We are talking a lot about adoption too, or a child with complex needs, not yet though as Oscar is too young. He’s very complex but perhaps respite care for families with less support.

What three words would you use to describe you?

Energetic, passionate, fearless

What is the last film you watched?

Jingle Jangle with my children a musical Christmas film on Netflix.

What TV series are you loving at the moment?

I love trash tv. I watch Eastenders, the crown is on my tv bucket list. Basically if its half an hour long I watch it. Everything that needs more time than that, goes on the bucket list, as I can’t sit still for too long. I love reality tv House wives of Cheshire and Towie, I think because its so easy to watch. I can’t watch anything with children getting hurt or crying, as it sparks my anxiety. I’ve often carried on watching kids tv once Oscars in bed, just so I can find out if perhaps chase rescues the turtles!!!!!

What’s your favourite motto? 

Many - Kindness is free has to be the top one. Be your best self. Others, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Trust your gut instinct, I think people confuse kindness and being naive.

