How To Survive The Christmas Party Season At Work, When You Are Neurodivergent

It might be the most wonderful time of year for many, but when you are neurodivergent all the office celebrations, Christmas parties and Secret Santa surprises can just be too much. We have collaborated with Mental Health At Work website, curated by Mind, and written this survival guide.

Kelly and Hester Grainger, a neurodivergent husband and wife team are founders of Perfectly Autistic have years of experience with different workplace cultures and have attended more workplace parties and events than you can shake a candy cane at. With both being neurodivergent; Kelly was diagnosed as autistic at 44 and with ADHD at 45, Hester was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 43, they understand the challenges that Christmas at work can bring.

Here they share some tips and strategies to help you get through the next few weeks.

The Office Christmas party

It’s been a tricky year, so companies are keener than ever to celebrate the last 12 months with their team. This often begins with an email inviting you to the office Christmas party. For some this brings joy, but for others the email notification can bring a sense of dread. If you are autistic or have ADHD, having ‘forced fun’ in the form of a Christmas party can all be too much.

Read the whole blog on The Mental Health At Work webste.

Hester Grainger